How Clear Is Your Strategy?

Think you or your company could benefit from having a clear purpose, vision and strategy?     Consider the following statements:

  1. I don’t have a clear exit strategy.
  2. My company is successful by all traditional measures, but I’m just not engaged.
  3. My business partner(s) and I can’t connect/agree on how to move forward.
  4. My team doesn’t challenge me or each other.
  5. I know what I need to do to make my company successful, I’m just not sure I have the team who can do it.
  6. My office has a lot of “drama” and nothing I do seems to change it.
  7. Two of the top people in my company can’t seem to get along
  8. My company is losing business to competitors that we’d normally win.
  9. My company seems to have lost its direction.
  10. I’m wondering if my company has a true competitive advantage. I’m not sure what makes us different/better than our competitors.
  11. My employees just don’t seem engaged/passionate about my company.
  12. My team seems a little too comfortable. I’m not sure I’m getting the best out of them.
  13. I experience frequent disappointment in the performance, attitudes, and/or support I get from my team.
  14. I’m not sure what my company’s “why” or mission is or vision is.
  15. I’ve got a lot of strategic choices. I’m not sure which ones to pursue.

If three or more of these statements describe you, it’s time to take some action.

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