Think you or your company could benefit from having a clear purpose, vision and strategy? Consider the following statements:
- I don’t have a clear exit strategy.
- My company is successful by all traditional measures, but I’m just not engaged.
- My business partner(s) and I can’t connect/agree on how to move forward.
- My team doesn’t challenge me or each other.
- I know what I need to do to make my company successful, I’m just not sure I have the team who can do it.
- My office has a lot of “drama” and nothing I do seems to change it.
- Two of the top people in my company can’t seem to get along
- My company is losing business to competitors that we’d normally win.
- My company seems to have lost its direction.
- I’m wondering if my company has a true competitive advantage. I’m not sure what makes us different/better than our competitors.
- My employees just don’t seem engaged/passionate about my company.
- My team seems a little too comfortable. I’m not sure I’m getting the best out of them.
- I experience frequent disappointment in the performance, attitudes, and/or support I get from my team.
- I’m not sure what my company’s “why” or mission is or vision is.
- I’ve got a lot of strategic choices. I’m not sure which ones to pursue.
If three or more of these statements describe you, it’s time to take some action.